An initiative of Ottawa Elementary School District 141

Nevaeh Lucas
The Spindle is a Spice Rack
By Nate Fisher
“Whenever things are too bland or plain, I just put a little spice in there.”
For Nevaeh Lucas, the joy in learning and life is witnessing the moment when it all comes together. She uses math as a metaphor to describe the phenomenon: “When you see this equation, then you’re like, I don’t know what this is. Then you learn about it. By the end of the year, you know what it is.” Knowledge is an unrelenting experience with a clear starting line (ignorance) and destination (knowing). Individual elements of equations don’t make a lick of sense to Nevaeh on their own, but through year-long study in her math classes, the greater picture slides into view as the parts begin to form the whole.
This applies to Nevaeh’s pursuits outside of the classroom, as well. A piece of her artwork is currently on display in the main office of Jefferson Elementary. Inspired by the Northern Lights, the piece has attracted a fair number of admirers in and around the office, and there have been unofficial reports of multiple purchase offers “if only it were for sale.” Creating the work, characterized by Nevaeh as another example of “everything coming together,” was an experimental venture that involved carefully dissected squiggly lines, a generous helping of chalk, and delicate color mixing. Each step was crucial, but the Aurora Borealis only revealed itself in its glory once all reached a combined synthesis. Nevaeh’s artwork is a wish: she’d love to see the Northern Lights someday, in addition to Hawaii, Mount Rushmore, or anywhere where she can walk the sands of a “beautiful beach.”
Beyond the borders of those beaches are depths unknown and unexplored. Ever the brave volunteer, Nevaeh wants to become an oceanographer to explore the watery voids and discover what she deems “crazy creatures.” The underwater landscapes she’ll encounter, the way light filters through water and creates patterns, and the vibrancy of marine life will no doubt inspire future works of art. Most folks do all they can to avoid sharks, but Nevaeh wants to observe them up close and is eager to see deep sea oddities such as the anglerfish, which sports a bioluminescent lure attached to its forehead. The mysteries of the world above the sea may start to “all come together” at the edges of explorative frontiers, but she also has the desire to practically coordinate the connection between disparate points until a system comes together to function. If she doesn’t probe the ocean depths, she’ll test the emotional depths of emergency response as a 911 operator. Nevaeh’s critical thinking and problemsolving skills, artistic attention to detail, and continuous learning will positively influence choices during moments of crisis. These skills would be invaluable in arranging an emergency response across several responding police, fire, and medical departments.
The euphoria one feels from watching the pieces fall in place is not unlike the rush one receives from eating an entire bag of hot Cheetos with lime, Nevaeh’s personal favorite snack. Spice, she says, is where it’s at. “Whenever things are too bland or plain, I just put a little spice in there,” she says. If the ingredients aren’t working on their own, then spice is the answer to bring it all together, whether that be in mathematics, imaginative art, or the response of a 911 operator who studies the ocean by moonlight, a thumbprint of hot Cheeto dust faint on her diving goggles.