An initiative of Ottawa Elementary School District 141

Sienna Justice
Living for Today, Chasing Her Dreams
By Barry Engelhardt
“You must be patient with yourself and understand what you need to work on.”
Sienna Justice recently represented Ottawa in the Illinois Music Education Association (ILMEA) Orchestra. She spent the weekend at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, interacting with gifted musicians from across the state. Ultimately, these musical standouts joined to play four pieces, including Orian and Ancient Flower, as part of the ILMEA Jr. High Orchestra.
Sienna plays the flute and does so beautifully. Years of dedication and deliberate practice have led her to stand out within the school band and across the state. “It takes a lot of practice. It takes patience. It takes a long time to get to a certain level,” shares Sienna. She pauses before adding, “You must be patient with yourself and understand what you need to work on.”
While Sienna auditioned for ILMEA in September, the journey took several years. She first started playing the flute in fourth grade. She has further diversified her musical talents by teaching herself to play the guitar. Through participation in Ottawa’s storied musical program, steady focus, and self-awareness, Sienna was recommended by her music teachers to audition to represent her school. She played the assigned pieces and was quickly accepted based on her talents.
Sienna is the oldest of three and has twin sisters in seventh grade. When asked if musical talent runs in her family, she confesses she’s the only one, adding that one of her little sisters tried the flute briefly but quickly concluded she didn’t share her older sister’s passion.
Her passion carries over into the classroom, as well. She says she doesn’t participate in athletics, and music is her exclusive artistic pursuit, allowing her to go all in with music and her academics. She loves to learn and displays the same focus and attention to her studies, which has led to her enrolling in advanced courses.
A self-identified hard-working student, she believes in trying her best, pushing herself, and making good grades. As an eighth grader, she’s already working her way through Algebra and will continue to push herself further in high school. “I think it’s fun to be in advanced courses. I’m doing well in them, so I figure why not?”
Despite her academic and musical success, Sienna shares that she has short-term goals. Currently, she focuses on learning and growth for learning and growth’s sake. She realizes that through constant effort and the connections she’s forming, opportunity will continue to follow.
Sienna considers Ottawa a great place to live life to the fullest. “A lot of my childhood friends, I’ve been in different friend groups and such, but all through school, all the people have been the same. We support each other. It’s a community.”
At the end of the day, Sienna considers herself a nonconformist who gives her all and believes in following her dreams. “I’ve always done that. I do what I want to do. I always wanted to play instruments. To play music.” And so she does...